Guidelines that will help you to manage life during ED

Specialists can share with ED patients how they should act to be able to control symptoms of the disease. This knowledge can be valuable as this condition affects the relationship and contributes to sexual problems in the couple. The task of medical assistants is to make the patients live full life in spite of the diagnosis.

Patients should learn to cope with ED that is a serious burden for any person. It takes physical and emotional strength to manage this load. Men may feel frustrated and disappointed. They lose self-confidence and get angry. The awareness that the condition is treatable helps considerably. Otherwise the patients can lose hope and give up all efforts. Honesty is going to be the first step as you are trying to solve the problem. The doctor should know everything to establish the right treatment. The same can be said about the partner. Try to sustain good communication with a partner to derive the utmost benefit from treatment. You should make your partner understand your feelings.

You will have to be patient when you pass the treatment and remember that there is no universal remedy for all. What is suitable for one patient can harm the other one.

The doctor should establish the cause for erectile dysfunction. In some cases sex therapy is important for the couple. This is thorough and delicate work that requires trust and attention, but if you succeed the results are amazing.

Intimacy without sex will help to overcome hard period

Erection is not the only part of sex. In accordance with opinion of a leading sexologist, sexuality is person is not connected with erection only. It is more than that. A sex therapist Jeanne Shaw, PhD from Atlanta says that public perception differs from the reality. Many people consider that it is enough to have erection for good sex while this is wrong. Erect penis is not obligatory element of sex and sex can be more satisfying without it. Many demand hard penis for sexual encounter and can't imagine other form of closeness. The task of the specialist is to unveil other forms of being close for couples who want to lose each other in spite of erectile issues. Definition of quality sex is different and it defines the approach as well. Make intimacy pleasurable without sexual achievements.

People are too concentrated on the performance therefore they are not able to have deeper relationship. The sexual needs can be perceived differently. Though many values are imposed we retreat to them for some reason and spoil our life.

At the same time, hard and firm erection is not a guarantee of sexuality. This is how the person feels about himself. When one is sexual and feel that he behaves this way even when there is no erection. Those who reduce everything to penis and its work are greatly mistaken.

It is also important to point out that genital behavior is not the same as sexual behavior. When people confuse these notions they are dissatisfied with the result.

Some people do not feel sexual but still act genitally. They pretend that they had orgasms just because they want others think that they are sexual. Many problems occur in the mind of the person. We often prefer to pretend instead of trying to solve the problem.

Open discussion and honesty

We should support intimacy when we treat ED. The relationship struggles with serious issues at this time. How to stay intimate with your partner when ED problem is in the way of quality sexual intercourse? You should be able to discuss the situation openly. Only so you can become closer to your half. If you know what your partner needs this is a good way to cope with barriers that do not let develop good relationship. Let common interests unite you when you pass through difficult times. You should have common hobbies and go in for sports together. Share activities that you like. Take a bath, stay in bed, hold hands and stay romantic.

Discuss the situation with a sex counselor who always has a solution.

You can take advantage of the current situation and try something new you would not try in usual situation. We can make obstacles work for us if we unveil other techniques and positions. You can acquire some accessories that can satisfy your darling in bed. Satisfactory sex life is not over when ED problems arise. Excessive pressure will only kill your relationship so try to turn the situation differently.

Avoid depression

When man is frustrated for a long time this can bring to depression that is treatable but can complicate your condition. The worst thing in it is loss of interest to life and recovery. It can change the appetite and deteriorates healthy nourishment. There is no good sleep as a result of that.

Doctors can prescribe antidepressants in this case and talk therapy.

Beat the stress

Stress management is not an easy deal when erectile problems attack you and life seems to be ruined. Actually, all people are subjected to stress but men are especially vulnerable at this period. When person is under stress the body starts breaking down.

In some cases ED develops as a result of constant stress. The body is not relaxed. The person feels constant tension and can't achieve erection. Erection occurs only in men with relaxed muscles. There are multiple ways to avoid stress. You should learn these techniques with expert to remove this problem. Probably, then the erection will return to you without medical preparations.

Sex and romance for better management of ED problem

You should understand that romance can be a real relief during such problematic periods. Man is not the only person who suffers. His spouse or girlfriend is also affected. Understanding and joined work will save the relationship. Fortunately, there are a lot of examples demonstrating how partners were able not only to save the relationship but strengthen it. If both in the couple pass this test with dignity then nothing will ruin their bond.